International House boasts a vastly experienced team of teacher trainers and academic coordinators who can provide your school with a fresh perspective on English language teaching and the services you provide, through tailor-made training and assessment programmes designed so that your school can work to its maximum potential using the most effective teaching and learning methodologies.

International House will help you to achieve this by offering the following services:

  • A teaching and learning audit of your school
  • Tailor-made teacher development programmes
  • A wide range of context-appropriate teacher training courses
  • A teacher observation programme
  • A teacher tutorial programme
  • Teacher development workshops package
  • Language for teachers courses

An International House assessor with many years of varied international experience in both teacher training and academic management will audit every aspect of your school’s English department, meeting with the academic managers, teachers and students and observing them at work in order to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your programme and suggest ways to improve performance over the short, medium and long terms, as well as ensuring that you are benefitting from the most up to date and effective teaching methodologies.

The audit includes:

  • Meetings with all staff in posts of responsibility within the English department
  • Meetings with teaching staff focus groups
  • Meetings with student focus groups
  • Observation of all members of the teaching staff
  • A survey of the resources and facilities
  • Written and oral feedback with recommendations for improving practice
  • Post-audit support in implementing recommendations

International House trains the trainers, teaches the teachers and assesses the assessors!

Our internationally acclaimed in-house teacher training team can offer you a tailor-made teacher development programme designed specifically to nurture your teachers and bring the best out of them in their personal teaching context.

A tailor-made teacher development programme may include some or all of the following depending on your teachers’ needs:

A structured teacher observation programme

A supported peer observation programme

A methodology workshop programme

A language for teachers programme

A teacher tutorial programme

The tailor-made teacher development programme is designed either in response to a teaching and learning audit or a diagnostic needs analysis of the teaching staff.  It can be carried out Face2Face, online or as a blended programme depending on the needs and availability of your teaching staff.

Please click on each of the above links to see more details of each aspect of the teacher development programme.

As part of the International House World affiliate network, IH Buenos Aires offers a wide-range of teacher training courses both Face2Face at IH Buenos Aires and online at the IH online teacher training institute.

Our Face2Face courses include:

  • Combined Delta Modules Intensive course
  • Delta Module One Preparation course
  • Delta Module Three Preparation course
  • Delta Module Three Tutorial packages
  • IH Certificate in Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers
  • IH Language Awareness course


Our Online courses include:

  • IH Delta Module One Exam preparation
  • IH Certificate in Teaching Very Young Learners
  • IH Certificate in Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers
  • IH Certificate in Teaching English
  • IH Certificate in Teaching 1-2-1
  • IH Certificate in Advanced Methodology
  • IH Certificate in Online Tutoring
  • IH Certificate in Business English
  • IH Teacher Trainer Course
  • IH Action Research Course
  • IH Language Awareness course
  • IH Directors of Studies course

Please click on the name of each course to find out more information.

An International House teacher trainer and academic manager will observe each of your teachers teaching a planned class and give them feedback on the lesson.

The programme includes:

  • optional introductory workshop to discuss development needs of teaching staff
  • optional individual tutorials at the planning stage
  • observation of each teacher’s lesson
  • individual oral feedback meeting with each teacher
  • individual written feedback on each observation
  • optional summary workshop to discuss overall strengths and weaknesses of the teaching and suggestions for improvement

The programme may also include the setting up of a peer observation programme within the school if requested.

Teacher tutorial programmes are designed to give your teachers personalised feedback on their professional development and help them to structure their continued future development.  Each member of the teaching staff meets individually with an International House Teacher Trainer and Academic Manager to discuss any of the following:

  • perceived strengths as a teacher
  • current best practices
  • attitudes to language learning and teaching
  • ways of lesson planning
  • ways of classroom management
  • past and future reading and research
  • dealing with difficult classes, parents and students
  • areas for development
  • action plan for future development

International House can provide your teachers with a wide-range of teacher development workshops tailored to their interests and needs.  Packages can range from a one off event to a year-long programme and everything in between.

Schools can suggest any topics for workshops, although some possible subjects might include:

  • analysing and clarifying language
  • teaching language (either in general or a specific language area)
  • developing receptive sub-skills
  • developing productive sub-skills
  • teaching discourse
  • teaching functional language
  • critical thinking
  • life skills
  • classroom management
  • using songs
  • using games
  • using video
  • language acquisition
  • methods and approaches
  • teaching with technology
  • teaching without materials
  • etc. etc. !

or leave it up to us to choose your programme!

If your teachers would like to improve their English at the same time as they improve their teaching, then language for teachers courses are the answer.  Courses can be provided at any level for any type of teachers.  The teacher of the course will be an experienced teacher trainer and academic coordinator, fully-qualified to development your teachers’ language ability within the context of teacher development.

Classes can be provided Face2Face or online, either synchronously in an online classroom or asynchronously through a wiki – the choice is yours!